Release - Siren Investigate 14.2

We’re happy to announce the release of Siren Investigate 14.2.

What’s new in Siren Platform 14.2

For a full list of improvements, fixes, and security enhancements, see the release notes.

Shared and private sidebar groups

We added two new groups in the sidebar called SHARED and PRIVATE to help you keep your dataspace organized. When you create a new sidebar item, such as a graph or a dashboard, it appears in the private group and is only visible to the object owner, the dataspace owner, and administrators until it’s moved to SHARED or to the global list. For more information, see Shared and Private groups.

Shared and private

Complex relations

You can now take advantage of Siren Federate’s extended join condition syntax and multi-conditional joins to create complex relations. Use complex relations to connect fields of different entity tables with either a single condition using a comparison operator such as, gt, gte, lt, lte, contains, intersects, and within. You can even combine multiple conditions with equality operators and comparison operators. For more information, see Complex relations.

Dynamic filters

There’s new functionality for dynamically filtering by date. You can now use date ranges, choose to include time regardless of the configured date format, and use wildcards for partial date matching.

For more information, see Dynamic filters and Searching settings.

Local nodes and edges on the graph browser

You can now create local nodes and edge in the graph browser. These exist only on the graph and don’t represent a document in Elasticsearch or a data model relation.

For more information, see Local nodes and Action settings

Range type fields

You can now import range type fields from indices or spreadsheets and export them directly from visualizations. For more information, see Importing data.

Records from script

The collection class is now in the Siren API. We’ve also introduced the sirenapi.Collection.addCollectionRecords method which adds records from a script to a saved graph. For more information, see API docs and Scripting examples

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