Installation instructions question

Hello julia,
Welcome to the community! The Neo4j script acts as an individual entity, separate from Federate/Elasticsearch or Investigate. The config.json is the on present in the script folder: Neo4j Script for Windows (Updated the blog with a windows build of the script).
Here, you configure:

    "neo4jConnection" : "bolt://localhost", //Bolt connection string to Neo4j
    "neo4jUsername" : "neo4j",
    "neo4jPassword" : "NEW PASSWORD",

    "sirenDataSource": "neo", //The datasource you registered in Management -> Datasources in Investigate

// These are default URLs and would work if you changed nothing and the script is running on the same host as Siren Platform
    "sirenHost" : "http://localhost:5606/",
    "elasticHost" : "http://localhost:9220/",
    "gremlinHost" : "http://localhost:8061/"

This should get you sorted.
