Sirenapi Python

Hi Manu,

I’m trying to use siren more and more but I find it difficult to integrate with the other tools I’m using.
Is there a way to execute a python script from the user interface and read and display the results?
I tried using the sirenapi but it didn’t seem to work.

Also, is there a section in the documentation that I missed that explains how to access stock kibana features like monitor?

Thanks a lot!

Hi James,

The only way he can accomplish is to

  • develop an Investigate webservice which will call the python script to compute some data and return it. Here is the webservice documentation.
  • call that webservice from scripting
  • and then present the results of the call on a scripted panel , Documentation for scripting panel.

Please reach to our team if any assistance needed here.

Manu Agarwal

Thanks Manu! I will check it out.

Regarding my second question, is there a section in the documentation that I missed that explains how to access stock kibana features like monitor?