Hi Team,
I am trying to download the Siren Platform package on my REDHAT linux machine using the wget command.
right click the link, then used the copied link as investigate-link
as follows:
wget {investigate-link}.zip
I am not able to download it it says Bad request 404 not found error,
however i am able to download this on my local windows machine with same investigate-link URL.
Can you please suggest the correct URL to download it on RHEL OS.
Put the link in double quotes like
wget “{investigate-link}”
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ok thanks let me try that.
Also i have already install ES 6.8.0 on the machine or do i need get it installed from the Siren Package download version.
Yes you can connect Investigate to your existing Elasticsearch
I think the best is to start by reading the “getting started” document
Tried with this one:
Same link which i post it in my last reply
wget “{Investigate-link}”.zip
Same error:
Scheme missing.
This is the correct command
wget "https://download.support.siren.io/platform/download/?component=siren-platform&os=linux&version=10.2.3"
Mind the quotes and do NOT put any .zip at the end
In my previous reply the quotes were automatically changed into the wrong one
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Thanks a lot its working now.
One more query i am trying to download the sample data provided in getting started now from this URL
But it doesnt download anything and gives blank page. I tried it in chrome and mozilla broswer also popup are allow.
Weird I’ve tried just now and first time it gave me a blank page too
Then I tried again and it worked fine. Could it be some temporary Google Drive issue?
Could you try again please
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OK thanks let me try after clearing the browser cache.