Release - Federate 8.12.2-34.1 & 7.17.18-34.1

We’re happy to announce today the patch release of Siren Federate version 34.1 for Elasticsearch 8.12.2 and 7.17.18. This release includes the following improvements and bug fixes:


  • Improved the circuit-breaker mechanism for multi-conditional index joins. The circuit-breaker now triggers a failure when the limit of index lookup operations is exceeded at run-time, rather than relying on estimations done at the query planning phase.
  • Enhanced the failure message of the circuit-breaker mechanism for multi-conditional index joins, incorporating details on the reached limit and the count of remaining lookup operations.
  • Introduced an option to deactivate the circuit-breaker mechanism for multi-conditional index joins. This can be achieved by setting -1 in the federate.planner.index_join.max_lookups configuration setting.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug concerning missing bounds and multi-value columns.

Download it here .