September 15, 2020, 3:10am
Hi All,
I’m attempting to install the “” plugin into the “siren-platform-no-security-no-data” docker
container and I get the following errors (see attachment). I have followed the instructions per the tutorial on SirenML with a docker-compose to define siren and sirenml respectively. Is there a way to install the plugin into this container? Thanks!
[update] I just discovered I only have 980MB of free memory on the host accessible to the container. I know Siren requires much more. How much is recommended for Siren + SirenML? Is that my issue?
Hi Jeffd,
This issue is related to the memory which is not having enough memory into the machine.
Another thing is you might need to check the environment variable for the nodejs for using it.
Node has a default max memory usage of less than 2 GB on some 64bit systems. This can cause unexpected memory issues when running.
You can set the memory for it using the parameter:
Are you able to run the Siren Investigate without installing the Siren ML do you still have this memory error while running the Siren Investigate?
September 15, 2020, 11:25am
You can set the memory for it using the parameter:
Are you able to run the Siren Investigate without installing the Siren ML do you still have this memory error while running the Siren Investigate?
What file to I change the node.js memory size param or can it be on the command line?
I am able to startup siren wo sirenml so the node.js memory sounds like it might be the issue. Thanks!
You need at least 2 GB for Investigate and 1 GB extra on top for ML plugin and all, so it should be 3 GB in total Siren + Siren ML.
Also, you can try to set the node.js option to 2048 MB, yes it’s a command line using this command:
Please let me know if this helps.